Tag Archives: Valley Center

Dr. Thylin Is Our Dentist

13 Mar

A few years ago our dentist shut down his practice for health reasons and we found Dr. Thylin soon after. I’m not sure how we found him at this point, but our experience with him has been great.

Earlier today I got a cap replaced that our former dentist had put on my tooth. Besides the obvious professionalism of his friendly office, there is something that you simply can’t get around. You may not be bothered by the same thing that bothers my wife and me, but a dentist must use his or her hands and if they are too big that can be a problem in my experience.

Dr. Thylin’s hands are the right size to be working in your mouth. As far as I’m concerned it’s just physics.

Professional and friendly and hands that are small enough. There you are.

Dr. Michael Thylin’s website:


If You Have Ever Attended Church

12 Mar

On Facebook the other day I noticed one of the kids from church who has now graduated from college and even left her first post-college job.
[ So this is 50! 😉 ]

In seeing what was going on in her life I also noticed a post from her dad, who is a former pastor at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, my home church.

Her dad is now a pastor in Rancho Bernardo and he has a blog called “Discovering Your Next Step” that you or someone you know may find helpful.

Though we have adjusted quite well, our family was sad to see pastor Neal (he’s just Neal to almost everyone) go at the time. My wife said that he was a big reason why she stayed when she came back to church.

He moved to Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church less than a month before the fire that swept San Diego County and hit RB especially hard. We’ve assumed that that was part of the reason he moved when he did. Here’s the link:

Discovering Your Next Step

I hope you find his words as helpful as we have over the years.

Your Neighborhood Changes And Grows II

6 Mar

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I took the photo above a few minutes ago. Yes. That’s my foot in the picture. I put it there for scale. My foot is, oddly enough, almost exactly a foot long. So you can see how big the aeonium has grown over several months. Here’s a picture of that section of the front yard:

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Compare that view with several months ago by visiting my post earlier this week:

Your Neighborhood Changes And Grows (I)

Despite the slightly different view you should be able to notice that change and growth has taken place. It’s not always incredibly obvious and sometimes it doesn’t happen fast but, just like change in our yard, change is taking place in your neighborhood and mine.

Let’s be proactive and make positive change.

What say you?

4 Mar

Just searched “Successful Neighborhoods” and this link came up:


Happy Monday!

Helpful Link For Your Neighborhood Or Community

1 Mar

After turning 50 yesterday I took some time to be reflective and explore possibilities for improving neighborhoods like mine (currently in San Marcos, CA) and yours.  Below is a link information on Walklive.org that may be of help in building a more successful neighborhood/community or improving one that’s doing well.

There Is Potentially ENORMOUS Long-Term Impact For Your Neighborhood Or Community.

From the website:

Our Mission, Our Focus
The Institute’s vision is to create healthy, connected communities that support active living and that advance opportunities for all people through walkable streets, livable cities and better built environments.

The Institute’s mission is to inspire, teach, connect and support communities in their efforts to improve health and well-being through better built environments.

We inspire by helping communities envision a better future, by sharing examples and success stories and by displaying a personal commitment to the movement.
We teach the benefits of walkability and livability, best practices in designing for active transportation and strategies for successful civic engagement and implementation.
We connect community members and leaders to important resources, engage them in the process, and help them communicate with each other.
We support with ongoing guidance, educational materials and by celebrating successes widely.
The Institute was formed for charitable, educational and scientific purposes to help communities address the negative effects of the built environment on health, safety, social welfare, economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and overall quality of life.

What are your nuts and bolts ideas for things that need improvement in San Marcos or your neighborhood/community?

The Godly Chic Diaries


One Stone Away...

Walking with Christ, we are all one stone away from victory.


All for the Kingdom of God, not unto us O Lord, not unto us but to your name be the glory because of your love and your faithfulness. -Psalms 115:1



unbolt me

the literary asylum